
Ulcer is dangerous

A stomach ulcer is a dangerous disease, the formation and development of which is influenced by heredity, bacteria, a number of drugs and certain foods. In addition, it can develop into other conditions dangerous for the body that threaten the health of the patient.

Pain after or before eating is the first sign of an ulcer.

Aggressive hydrochloric acid produced by the body constantly enters the stomach cavity, for example. It is essential for the digestion of the food we eat. But so that this dangerous reagent does not damage the tissues of the body, there is a protective layer inside the stomach. The predominance of aggressive factors in combination with the depletion of the protective layer leads to damage to the stomach wall. Erosion appears, and then an ulcer.

Mucosal damage is aggravated and provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori (HP).

Heredity and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can influence the formation of ulcers. Ulcers can be diagnosed with endoscopy. This method will allow you to assess their size, number, localization, and the presence of complications.

To clarify the depth of the ulcer, gastrointestinal motility, some complications, such as stenosis, penetration, radiography with a contrast agent is used.

There are five conditions that can cause significant harm to the patient’s health.

Perforation of the ulcer – perforation of the wall of the stomach through and through.

Bleeding – if the integrity of the blood vessel is broken.

Stenosis of the pyloric part of the stomach is a narrowing of the exit from the stomach.

Penetration – perforation of an ulcer into an adjacent organ.

Ulcer malignancy is the growth of a malignant tumor.

On the recommendation of the RHA, all patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers should be screened for the presence of Helicobacter. Pylori (HP).

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