
New Year’s table for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Forget that you are sick and that you are different from other people. Celebrate the holiday with joy, pleasure and have fun with glory with family and friends.

Remember that you can do all this without excessive drinking and gluttony. We will tell you what you can and cannot for the New Year , and how to meet it at home and away. 

How to treat an ulcer at home?

Take care of yourself and your family and friends if any of them have this insidious disease that goes away and then comes back with relapses, especially after uncontrolled use of alcohol and junk food.

If you do not want to be on the operating table after the holiday or right during it, or to send someone from those invited to a family celebration there, compose a holiday menu according to our advice. 

  • No smoking, pickles, canned food and marinades, fried foods and fatty foods.
  • An unshakable tradition of many Russian families is the Olivier salad on the festive table. If ulcers are at the table, you can cook this salad, but only without sausage, but with boiled chicken breast. Fill it with natural yogurt, you will get an equally tasty, but more useful dish for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition.  
  • Vinaigrette is no less a welcome guest on the New Year’s table and is quite suitable for a therapeutic diet. That’s only for gastric and duodenal ulcers will be without pickles and pickled cabbage in its composition. If the ulcer is in remission, you can replace them with fresh vegetables, chopped very finely. You will have to season the vinaigrette only with vegetable oil, without vinegar and mustard.       
  • By the same principle, you can prepare any vegetable salads.
  • Diet pilaf with chicken breast and dried fruit is a great option. Gild the onion in a spoonful of olive oil, add carrot strips and fillet pieces, then a glass of rinsed rice and dried fruit, stick in a whole head of garlic, salt and pour 3 cups of water, bring to a boil and, closing tightly, keep on the lowest heat for 15 minutes, and then leave it for another quarter of an hour, without opening the lid, removing it from the heat.
  • The healthiest desserts are fruit jellies made with your own hands from fresh fruits, frozen berries and agar-agar.
  • It is better if there is no alcohol on the table. Champagne, like non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, is strictly prohibited. But you can raise a glass to the chimes and even take a sip.
  • It is better to replace packaged juices with homemade compotes from fresh, dry and frozen fruits.
  • Instead of strong tea and coffee, prepare herbal teas, the bouquets of which can be collected from medicinal plants, orange peels, vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, rose hips, dried fruits, apple pieces, etc.

How to feed the ulcer at a party?

  • Choose on the festive table what you could prepare for yourself at home.
  • On a plate with cold cuts, take the leanest piece, remove the toasted crust from the chicken and fish.
  • Among fruits, choose bananas.
  • Better yet, cook something tasty and harmless for yourself, and bring the dish to visit. Let it be stewed vegetables, cabbage rolls, baked fish, etc. There will be something to treat your ulcer and share with others. 

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