
How to protect teeth with stomach ulcers

In the medical dictionary, an ulcer is defined as a defect in the mucous membrane, a violation of its integrity. This is a collective term that requires clarification of exactly where the ulcer is located. If we talk about such a lesion of internal organs, then more often you can find an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum – a chronic disease, the formation of a local defect of the mucous membrane.

A stomach ulcer has many features in its clinical course, affecting the work of the whole organism as a whole. But this negative effect on the entire digestive tract and the oral cavity in particular is especially pronounced. Symptoms such as pain, bad breath will be less of a nuisance compared to the complications of an ulcer. So how do you prevent them?

Meet stomach ulcer

According to statistics, most often a stomach ulcer is recorded in men after 35 years. The ulcer is characterized by cyclicity, the pathology proceeds for years with characteristic periods of remission and exacerbation. An ulcer is always a complication of gastritis, and it is caused by infection with a special bacterium – Helicobacter pylori . But if gastritis is recorded in more than 60% of the population, then not everyone develops an ulcer , because this requires the action of provoking factors.   

The predisposing factors include severe stress, anxiety, errors in nutrition, namely the abuse of deliberately harmful food, overeating. Even non-observance of the thermal regime, abuse of very hot or cold, especially when combined, can provoke the transition of gastritis to an ulcer.

The presence of bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse also refers to provoking factors. The fact is that alcohol increases the aggressiveness of the digestive juices, which reduces the defenses of the inner lining of the stomach, and the juices begin to negatively affect the mucous membrane.

Uncontrolled, unreasonable intake of certain medications, especially from the class of painkillers, corticosteroids and hormones, can also become a provoking factor of stomach ulcers.

Pain, feeling unwell, and other symptoms of stomach ulcers

The main and first sign that makes you seek medical help is pain. The so-called hunger pains associated with eating are especially intense. Disruption to your eating schedule results in sharp, intense pain that can occur even at night. In order to get rid of the pain, it is enough just to have a snack. Due to the fact that a stomach ulcer is a chronic pathology, it will be characterized by seasonality, exacerbations often occur in spring and autumn.

Pain in the abdomen and hypochondrium is not the only symptom of stomach ulcers. Heartburn is characteristic, which occurs some time after a meal. The ulcer is characterized by dyspeptic disorders – diarrhea, followed by constipation, nausea, vomiting, sour belching.

The appetite for an ulcer remains unchanged, and the pain that occurs during hunger even disciplines, the eating schedule is restored. During exacerbations, general well-being also suffers – increased irritability, loss of performance are characteristic, and a headache may even occur .  

Unfortunately, a stomach ulcer may not manifest itself for a long time, and those symptoms that occur are attributed to gastritis or fatigue. But with a careful attitude to one’s own health and with timely diagnostic studies, the ulcer can be prevented. One of the specialists who can indicate the development of an ulcer is a dentist, who, based on specific signs, can suggest a diagnosis.  

Bad breath isn’t the only symptom

All symptoms of oral ulcers are similar to those in gastritis, but with the only difference – they are more pronounced and persistent. Due to the morphological unity of the stomach and oral cavity, all changes and consequences of the disease are almost immediately reflected on the mucous membrane, tongue and teeth of the patient.

So, with an ulcer, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane is disturbed, and it is no longer possible to fully enjoy hot or cold. For a comfortable meal, all food should be at a medium temperature. The consequences of the ulcer also affect the tongue, it becomes coated, red, edematous. Plaque on the tongue can have different shades, but more often they do not go beyond the yellow-brown range. Plaque is nothing more than an uncontrolled reproduction of flora, which causes bad breath.

Upon a detailed examination of the tongue, a modification of the taste papillae is noticeable, they begin to grow, areas of exfoliation of the epithelium are observed. The papillae grow to such an extent that they can cause a lot of inconvenience – itching, unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, the accumulation of microbes on them and their vital activity will cause an unpleasant sour smell as a result of decay. When visiting a dentist, a diagnosis of “hairy tongue” is often made.

An ulcer is characterized by the development of persistent stomatitis, often of fungal origin, and microbial inflammation of the gums is not excluded. With a long-term underlying pathology, destructive processes develop in the oral cavity – thin alveolar plates that hold the tooth in place are absorbed. As a result, the teeth begin to loosen and often have to be removed.

Caries and stomach ulcers – inseparable?

All negative symptoms of stomach ulcers – heartburn, throwing stomach contents into the mouth, vomiting, decreased saliva production, will contribute to the formation of multiple forms of caries. Caries with an ulcer is distinguished by an erased, but rapid course and transition to complications. With an ulcer, gangrenous forms of pulpitis are most often formed – putrefactive inflammation, in which the patient is disturbed not only by pain, but an unpleasant, putrid odor from the mouth. Caries and its complications are practically inseparable from an ulcer.

It is worth noting that the condition of the oral cavity and the development of ulcers will have a circular connection with each other, the worse the condition of the oral cavity, the worse the patient’s condition, and the greater the chances of complications. Therefore, several specialists should participate in the treatment of ulcers at once, in particular, a gastroenterologist and a dentist. The main goal of the dentist is to carry out the whole range of prevention and prevent the severe consequences of the underlying pathology.

Prevention of diseases of the oral cavity with stomach ulcers

The best prevention of dental complications of an ulcer is to prevent its development and take timely measures to transfer it to the stage of remission. Of course, an ulcer without exacerbation does not remove the effect on the oral cavity, but still it is less pronounced.

Prevention should be carried out exclusively in the dentist’s chair, and begins with a complete sanitation of the oral cavity – carious teeth are healed, lost teeth are restored, therapeutic measures are taken to restore gum health.

After a conversation and a story about the diagnosis, a difficult and lengthy work begins, the result of which depends to a greater extent on the patient, on the conscientiousness of the recommendations made.

The doctor selects a set of oral hygiene products and items, without fail, they include additional ones – dental floss, elixirs and rinses, often with an antiseptic focus. In the dentist’s chair, the patient is taught how to properly brush his teeth, give recommendations on nutrition, taking into account the diagnosis, and these recommendations are the best prevention of caries in the future.

Due to the fact that the protective barriers of the oral cavity are weakened during the disease, patients are recommended a set of preventive measures for professional cleaning of teeth and saturation of teeth with minerals. Such procedures must be carried out every three months, but the schedule of visits can be drawn up by the doctor on an individual basis. Due to the violation of digestion processes, patients often experience a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, which negatively affects the state of the oral cavity. Prevention of caries, gum disease and hypovitaminosis cannot be carried out without additional intake of multivitamin complexes.

In order to get rid of bad breath, it is necessary not only to keep the oral cavity in order, brush your teeth daily and visit the dentist for an examination, but also to treat the underlying disease, its complications and consequences.

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