
The best treatment for a perforated ulcer. Frequency of gastric ulcer perforation

A perforated ulcer was discussed at the XV and XX All-Union Congresses of Surgeons, at the Congresses of Surgeons of the Union Republics, as well as at regional and regional conferences. Much attention was paid to the question of what operation to use in the surgical treatment of this disease. Some suggested using only tamponade (N. N. Petrov), others only suturing (N. I. Gurevich). V. V. Uspensky defended the suturing of the perforated hole with the imposition of an anastomosis; He wrote: “Behind a strong back of gastroenteroanastomosis, life is much calmer and more confident even with perforated ulcers.” S. I. Spasokukotsky , who has extensive experience in the surgical treatment of ulcers, spoke out in favor of the use of resection. A supporter of resection for perforated ulcers was also S. S. Yudin, who widely used this operation in the surgical department of the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky. The journal “Surgery” held a discussion on the question of what operation to use for a perforated ulcer, and ended it with an editorial in which the following conclusions were made: 1. There are no serious grounds to object to the fundamental expediency of using a radical treatment for perforation of the ulcer – resection of the ulcerated stomach. 2. Since interventions for perforated ulcers in the vast majority of cases are performed urgently on duty, the nature and extent of this intervention must be coordinated with a number of conditions. These should include: a) the experience of the surgeon in performing resection in the cold stage and the availability of an appropriate environment (operating room, the presence of assistants); b) a satisfactory general condition of the patient with a time from the moment of perforation no more than 6-10 hours and in the absence of severe peritonitis. 3. Outside of these conditions, the primary resection is certainly not justified, and all intervention should be reduced to suturing the ulcer with the use of plasty with a free or pedunculated omentum, with additional, if necessary, the imposition of a gastroenteroanastomosis. The frequency of perforation of gastric ulcers Despite the fact that much remains unclear in the etiology of gastric ulcers, our current knowledge of the clinic of this disease allows us to accurately diagnose the presence of an ulcer and determine its localization. A careful study of the patient makes it possible to determine the changes that have occurred during the process, which include: narrowing of the pylorus, penetration, bleeding, development of cancer and perforation. Numerous observations of pathologists and clinicians allow us to approximately fully determine both the incidence of ulcer disease and the frequency of perforation. According to pathologists, gastric and duodenal ulcers occur in 1.17-2.7% of cases. According to M. S. Davydovsky in Moscow prosectors for 1923-1927. in 21,388 autopsies, a stomach ulcer was found in 1.17% of cases, and according to Ya. M. Wolfson in the prosectures of Rostov -on-Don (1916-1938), an ulcer was found in 27,686 autopsies in 614 cases, which is 2.2% . Clinicians’ data on the incidence of ulcers differ from pathologists’ data. Clinicians indicate a higher percentage (from 2.4 to 13). I. M. Flekel (therapist) leads 13%, A. D. Adensky (therapist) – 9.47%. Among patients being treated in surgical clinics, patients with stomach ulcers account for 6.5% (T. S. Topprover ), and in the hospital surgical clinic of the Minsk Medical Institute – 2.4%. We must think that the data of clinicians more fully show the incidence of ulcers. Many surgeons provide information on the number of patients operated on for ulcers in general and for perforated ulcers. They can be used to judge how often perforation occurs. It cannot be argued that the figures given in the article give a complete picture of the frequency of perforation, but one must think that they are close to reality.

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