
10 common causes of stomach ulcers

Approximately 5-10% of the world’s population suffers from stomach ulcers. At the initial stage, with a strict diet and doctor’s recommendations, this disease can be defeated. But if the situation is running, then it is almost impossible to get rid of the ulcer until the end: it will make itself felt from time to time. This chronic disease is damage or defective tissue formation in the stomach. An ulcer is the culprit of constant pain in the stomach, it negatively affects appetite, provokes nausea and vomiting, and in the later stages – bleeding in the digestive tract. There are a number of common reasons that increase your risk of getting this disease. Let’s list some of them.

1. Severe stress

There is no official scientific evidence that stress is associated with stomach ulcers. But it is widely known that severe nervous tension negatively affects human health and provokes the development of many diseases. Constant stress can cause an increase in acid secretion in the stomach, which will contribute to its subsequent inflammation. Bacterial infections and the use of certain anti-inflammatory medications increase the effects of stress. All this provoke disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Nervous breakdowns also interfere with the treatment of peptic ulcer disease.  

2. Consuming a lot of salt

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle try to reduce their salt intake or completely eliminate it from the diet. Since its excess negatively affects the body as a whole, including because of it, a stomach ulcer can form. Power using large amounts of salt induces the activity of genes in the bacterium Helicobacter pylori ( Helicobacter pylori ), because of which they become more virulent (capable of causing disease). According to research, Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the main causes of peptic ulcer disease.

If you consume too much salt, then certain changes can occur in the body and, as a result, health problems appear. If a person already has a stomach ulcer, then an excess of salt in the diet will only aggravate the pain and the course of the disease. For this reason, people with stomach ulcers are advised to consume as little salt as possible so as not to irritate the mucous membranes.

3. Alcohol abuse

Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages does not pose a serious threat to human health. But the constant and abundant drinking of alcoholic beverages will sooner or later lead to peptic ulcer disease. Some studies claim that a small amount of alcohol protects stomach tissue from Helicobacter pylori bacteria , which cause mucosal damage. Any inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract increases the risk of ulcers. An excess of alcohol in the body increases the acidity level, which makes the stomach more susceptible to all sorts of damage. Alcohol, as well as smoking, not only contribute to the formation of stomach ulcers, but also reduce the effectiveness of its treatment.

4. Bacterial infection with Helicobacter pylori

It is an infection caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria . Doctors believe that it is she who is the most common cause of peptic ulcer disease. It is still not clear whether this infection can be transmitted from person to person through close contact. But it has been proven that these bacteria enter the body through food and nutrition. They live on the mucous membrane that covers the tissues of the stomach and small intestine. These bacteria thrive in the acidic environment that occurs during the digestion of food. The increase in the number of microorganisms causes serious inflammation in the tissues of the stomach, which is then followed by the formation of an ulcer.

5. Excessive consumption of caffeine

Regular and heavy consumption of coffee and caffeinated products is another fairly common cause of ulcers. Caffeine significantly increases the production of acid in the stomach, which contributes to all sorts of damage. The same substance speeds up the process of gastric emptying, which also negatively affects its work. In this case, the acid enters the small intestine and greatly irritates it. All this provokes peptic ulcer disease, and for those who already have it, it complicates its treatment.

6. Low levels of melatonin

Stomach ulcers can also occur due to low levels of melatonin in the body. Sunlight promotes its production in the pineal gland (pineal gland). But due to improper lifestyle, night work and constant use of artificial lighting, the body produces less melatonin than it needs. This causes certain health problems, including peptic ulcer disease.

7. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These medicines help relieve pain, fever, and inflammation. But they tend to severely irritate the tissues of the stomach and intestines, which ultimately often provokes ulcers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used for weeks or months. It is advisable to take them only with a doctor’s prescription. When used for a long time, these medicines cause serious damage to the digestive tract, causing ulcers and even bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. In no case should you take such medications if you have at least some stomach problems.    

8. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

This is a fairly rare disease in which tumors form in the area of ​​the pancreas or duodenum. They secrete a lot of the hormone gastrin , which greatly increases the acidity of the stomach. This process provokes ulcers, diarrhea and heartburn. Almost all people suffering from this symptom develop peptic ulcer disease over time.

9. Genetic predisposition to ulcers

According to recent research, a genetic predisposition can also cause stomach ulcers. If the parents had an ulcer, then the chances are high that it will manifest itself in their children over time. Many people with this condition have relatives with the same condition. But with all this, a stomach ulcer is not at all a hereditary disease, and if desired, its appearance can be completely avoided.  

10. Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia is nothing more than high calcium production in the body. This, in turn, increases the level of production of the hormone gastrin by several times , which ultimately can lead to the development of peptic ulcer disease. In addition, hypercalcemia can lead to pancreatitis or calcium deposition in soft tissues. If the calcium level in the blood exceeds about 15 mg / dl , then treatment should be started immediately, because otherwise serious health problems are possible.

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